Dr. Ramón Ferreiro Gravié
Gracias por sus comentarios, valoraciones y testimonios acerca del trabajo que desempeñamos en Miami Educational Research Institute acerca de la formación de docentes e investifadores de la educación.
Quedo especialmente agradecido a mis estudiantes por permitirme compartir mi experiencia y pasión por la docencia e investigación; por dejarme ser parte de su desarrollo profesional.
Es un privilegio contribuir en sus metas y objetivos que ayudarán a sus estudiantes a ser mejores profesionistas y mejores personas.
Ramón Ferreiro G.
Student thank you message:
“Dear Professor Ferreiro,
You’ve made an impact! Below is a student message submitted via the new “Thank A Professor” program sponsored by NSU’s Learning and Education Center. Enjoy!”
Student thank you message:
“El Dr Ferreiro es un investigador que nos ha enseñado sus técnicas de investigación de una manera practica y sencilla, lo cual hace que uno se enamore mas del trabajo que desarrolla en el día a diá. Gracias Dr Frerreiro”
Semester: OTOÑO 2021 Course: RES 8100
Student thank you message:
“Hola Maestro! Gracias por sus enseñanzas. Su método ha sido excelente. Mi reconocimiento. Desde ya! le estamos sacando el mejor provecho, aplicando en nuestra tarea como docente.”
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: RES-8100-L04_24558 Abraham S. Fischler College of Education & School of Criminal Justice
Student thank you message:
“For being an intellectual whose pedagogy of knowledge assumes a special didactic for learning, in addition to the immense simplicity that characterizes the true sages. Grateful to share this professional and human growth!”
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: The Nature of Knowing
Student thank you message:
“Dr. Ferreiro is an excellent teacher. He is a teacher who motivates students to use all their mental faculties, their common sense and critical thinking in order to develop an academic assignments and seek creative proposals that encourage students to investigate, to visualize the contributions or changes that could be made with their intervention as a professional in education. Thank you Dr. Ferreriro for making us think and work hard.
And finally thank you to believe in us.”
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: ORGL 8740 Behavior & Human Development ORGL 8740-LO2 – 24943
Student thank you message:
I want to thank Dr. Ferreiro for his time, patience, and commitment. I really enjoyed his classes. The classes were engaging and full of great ideas. I have used many of his ideas and structures for my school classes. Dr. Ferreiro transmits lots of energy and desire. He’s a true meaning of loving his craft.
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: Orgl Behav & Human Devel
Student thank you message:
Dr. Ferreiro, usted ha marcado mi vida positivamente en mi carrera doctoral. Cada conocimiento que aprendí en sus cursos y por su ejemplo en la integración de sus clases, lo he puesto por práctica. Nunca lo olvido ni olvidaré. En esta época de agradecimiento, le doy gracias a Dios por su vida y por sus palabras para mí como estudiante. Gracias.
Semester: Winter 2020 Course: ORGL 8780
Student thank you message:
Dr. Ferreiro;
I have no other word to rate your course. It has been excellent. Your instructional methodology is very active and enriching. I have learned a lot and have known new ways to manage my expectations as a future teacher in education. I really appreciate your teaching and support.
With thanks and respect,
Julio Rodriguez
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: ORGL 8740 – 22867
Student thank you message:
Maestro Ferreiro, muchas gracias por imprimir en mi en cada uno de mis compañeros una pasión por la enseñanza y la investigación, hay mucho por aprender pero las semillas ya están en buenas tierras. Gracias nuevamente por esa dedicación y esa metodología que es de alta eficiencia.
Semester: Otoño 2021 Course: RES-8100-L04
Student thank you message:
Quiero agradecer al Dr.Ferreiro por su disponibilidad incondicional, pos sus amenas lecciones y por responder ampliamente todas nuestras preguntas.
Semester: August/December Course: Orgl Behav & Human Devel
Student thank you message:
During this course ‘Orgl Bevav & Human Devel” was importance that Dr. Ramon Ferreiro gave to each one of us, giving us his example in how is it possible to change each situation in our life and then lead them to achieve our great goals. Firstly, the encouragement of participation in each discussion class, as well as the commitment to be in constant communication with my work group and sharing ideas. It was a wonderful experience because despite not being able to meet physically, but yes, it is virtually positive. All of this made me discover feel that it is important to learn that each of us can manage changes as leaders in the face of any future life situation.
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: Orgl Bevav & Human Devel
Student thank you message:
The Professor is an expert in the field.
Semester: FAll 2021 Course: Organizational Behavior and Human Development
Student thank you message:
Professor Ferreiro introduced an interesting design of how to teach research methodology, in addition, the written text of his class has an amazing clarity due to the economy of thought. Excellent.
Semester: 2do. Semestre, año 2021 Course: The Nature Of Knowing
Student thank you message:
I am very grateful to Professor Ferreiro because with him I learned to reflect on everything I do and learn.
I learned that everything we learn we use because the brain recycles experiences.
I learned how powerful synergy is when working as a team.
I learned that you can learn in a group even if you do the task alone.
My outlook on life and my perspective as a teacher has changed as a result.
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: The Nature of Knowing
Student thank you message:
Es un excelente maestro, competitivo y su didáctica me ha obligado a aprender.
Semester: 3/2021 Course: The nature of knowing
Student thank you message:
El Dr. Ferreiro, me ha inspirado a dar más de mí haciendo uso de una serie de heramientas y de estrategias que estoy replicando en mis clases, además me ha desafiado a agudizar y ampliar mi mirada como doctoranda y futura investigadora.
Agradezco su tiempo, dedicación, su entrega para con nuestro grupo.
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: RES 8100 – Nature of Knowing
Student thank you message:
Thank you for your time and for teaching us so many techniques which have made us grow more professionally.
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: ORGL 8740
Student thank you message:
Por inspirarme a ser mejor profesional y a tener un pensamiento critico, pero sobre todo a saber plasmarlo a través de sus métodos.
Semester: Otoño 2021 Course: EDD8100
Student thank you message:
El Dr. Ferreiro, es un profesor de excelencia, es muy motivador y mantiene el rigor científico requerido, tanto en la transmisión de sus conocimientos, como en los procesos relacionados con la evaluación, lo cual garantiza calidad. El profesor es muy motivador y nos mantiene en constantes retos para sacar lo mejor de nosotros. Excelente!
Semester: Fall 2021 Course: The Nature of Knowing: Introduction to Research Methods
Fuente: https://www.nova.edu/lec/thank-a-professor-program.html